Monday, January 6, 2014

Are you a transitioning person in the Erie area looking to get on hormone replacement therapy (HRT)? [UPDATED]

[UPDATE: We have received our funding to run the first shuttle to Pittsburgh, which we hope to do possibly as early as the end of the month. If you are interested in using the shuttle, please write us at ASAP so we can organize appointments. We are currently looking into working with Metro Family Practice, but that may change.]


As some of you may know, there is currently only one endocrinologist in Erie, PA that is willing to treat transgender patients, and we have heard from many in our community that this endocrinologist (who shall remain nameless) is not very competent or friendly.

Because of this, many transitioning people in Erie are forced to travel outside the city and sometimes the state to find a decent endocrinologist. Unfortunately, many in our community cannot afford to do so.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is considered medically-necessary care for transitioning people by the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association. When forced to go without it, transitioning people often suffer from intense gender dysphoria, severe depression, even suicidal ideation.

Many transitioning people, left with no other choice, turn to self-medicating with hormones purchased on the street or shady pharmaceutical websites based in China and India. Self-medicating is very dangerous and can lead to permanent liver damage, cardiovascular disease, blindness, or death.

Shuttle to Pittsburgh

Transfamily of Erie is currently looking into arranging a free one-day shuttle for transitioning people in need to reach a trans-friendly endocrinologist in Pittsburgh.

Transfamily will not cover any medical cost, though we are searching for an endocrinologist that will accept Medicaid and other forms of insurance and will be willing to work with low-income patients on financing.

[UPDATED INFO: Our initial cost would be $75 to pay for a rental car and gas to transport 4-6 people. Ideally, we would like to have the shuttle run once every three months, and would scale up our capacity as interest increases.

If anyone would like to volunteer their car (which would cut our cost significantly) or volunteers as our driver, please email us at and let us know.]

Would you like to help?

We will begin collecting donations for the shuttle at our next meeting.

If you would like to pledge money towards our shuttle or are a business that would like to sponsor the shuttle, please contact us at

Are you interested in a seat on the shuttle?

Please let us know at or leave a comment below.

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